

 Photo Permission Form

Each year the National Association of University Women, Southwest Sectional, rec­ognizes young women's and men's achievements in the local newspapers, the Na­tional Association of University Women Newsletters and internal recruiting materi­als. This year we also have the opportunity to recognize your child's achievements on our National Association of University Women - Southwest Sectional website. Each Southwest Sectional branch has a section of the website that highlights events that are happening in the branch and community. For your child to have a picture in the newspaper, newsletter, promotional materials or on the website, you must give the National Association of University Women permission to do so. Be­low, you will find a permission form that will allow your child's picture to be pub­lished. We all want our children recognized for the great achievements they are making and the wonderful things they are doing in their community.

National Association of University Women—Southwest Sectional Use of Child's Photographs or Likenesses

Child's Name: ______________________________________________

Branch Name:  _____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature:

Date: _______________________

_____ I will allow my child's photograph or likeness to be published on any National Association of University Women printed material, website or display.

_____ I will not allow my child's photograph or likeness to be published on any National Association of University Women printed material, website or display.