National Association of University Women (NAUW)
Southwest Sectional Conference
South Bay Branch – Conference Host
Dear Southwest Sectional Member:
South Bay Branch will serve as your host for the 42nd Southwest Sectional Conference. The ladies of South Bay Branch and the Sectional Director are busy planning activities that will provide you with an uplifting and stimulating experience.
Conference Location
The 42nd Southwest Sectional Conference will be held on February 4 and 5, 2011 at the Holiday Inn –Torrance. The address is 19800 S. Vermont Ave, Torrance, CA 90503. The hotel was chosen for its location, price, accommodations and hospitality. Holiday Inn Torrance is conveniently located in the heart of the Torrance/Harbor Gateway business district, adjacent to the intersection of the I-110 and I-405 freeways. They provide guest rooms with Sealy Posturepedic Ultra Plush beds, mini refrigerators in all rooms, complimentary wireless high-speed internet access, outdoor swimming pool, whirlpool spa, exercise room, sauna, and Ginger Cafe & Lounge, featuring American favorites and Pacific Rim Cuisine.
Room Reservation
The South Bay Branch has blocked off a set of rooms especially for the conference. The room rate is $79 for single or double room. There is a 14.065% occupancy tax for single or double occupancy. Reservation will be by individual Call-in and must be made no later than January 31, 2011. Please contact the hotel directly at 1-310-781-9100, contacting 1-800-Holiday (1-800-465-4329) or by booking online at To receive the group rate, please refer to group name of National Association of University Women. A credit card or deposit is required to reserve a room. Parking is free.
Early registration is $150 and will be honored until December 20, 2010. Late registration after December 20, 2010 is $155 and will be honored until January 15, 2011. (On-site Registration is $165.) You may pay your registration fee by check.
Registration by Check:
- Complete your registration form
- Make check made payable to your Branch
- Give check and Registration Form to your Branch designated person
- The Financial Treasurer is requested to make one check payable to NAUW - South Bay Branch and send to address on Registration Form
The registration fee includes: Friday Night Reception, Saturday Sectional Director’s Breakfast, Saturday’s Scholarship Awards Luncheon, and all conference materials.
General Information
Conference Registration Times:
Friday 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Saturday 7:15 am to 8:30 am
Reception Time:
Friday 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Friday “Denim and Diamonds”
Saturday NAUW Colors (green, White or Green & White)
Sectional Photos
Saturday Time and place will be in your program book.
Workshops: Time and workshops will be in your program book.
We are very excited about serving as your conference host and look forward to seeing you at the conference.
Hattie McFrazier, President
Audrey Jordan, Sectional Director
Geraldine Perry, Co-Chair
Mary Jackson-Freeny, Co-Chair
Cherita McFrazier, Co-Chair

National Theme: ”Progressive Women Redesigning Community Service in the 21st Century”
National Association of University Women
Southwest Sectional 42nd Conference – February 4-5, 2011
Conference Host: South Bay Branch
NAME: ________________ TELEPHONE # BUSINESS_____________ CELL______________
ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________
CITY/STATE/ZIP: _______________________________________________________________
E-MAIL: _______________________________________________________________________
TYPE OF MERCHANDISE: ______________________________________________________
The Vendor Fee is $75.00 (Non Refundable)
Deadline for registration and fee payment is January 04, 2011. First come, first serve per merchandise category:
_____Contemporary Fashion
_____African Fashion
I would like to purchase a conference meal
Friday Reception - $50.00 ( ) Saturday Breakfast - $25.00 ( ) Saturday Lunch - $40.00 ( )
Amount Enclosed: _________________
Vendor should have merchandise on display no later than 5:00 pm on February 4, 2011. Space is available until 5:00 p.m. on February 5, 2011. Vendor will be provided one long table and two (2) chairs.
Please make cashier’s check or money order payable to: NAUW South Bay Branch
Mail this form with registration fee to:
Hattie McFrazier
National Association of University Women
1618 Bruin Street
Los Angeles, CA 90047
Signature: ____________________ Date: ___________________
National Association of University Women
42nd Annual Southwest Sectional Conference
Conference Host: South Bay Branch
February 4-5, 2011
Sectional Souvenir Journal Due Date – January 4, 2011
The souvenir journal gives us an opportunity to solicit those businesses that we patronize and ask for their support of our organization. It is also a means of highlighting branch and sectional programs. In addition, we can announce events; acknowledge individuals/organizations; offer congratulations, tributes and/or memorials to family, friends, staff, and/or branch members. Each branch is encouraged to purchase at least a full page ad or more.
Please submit your “camera-ready” ad using e-mail in word document or as a PDF file (no borders) according to the specifications below:
Please Check:
__________ Front Inside Cover 7 ½” Wide x 10” Depth $ 150.00
__________ Back Cover Page 7 ½” Wide x 10” Depth $ 200.00
__________ Back Inside Cover Page 7 ½” Wide x 10” Depth $ 150.00
__________ Full Page 7 ½” Wide x 10” Depth $ 100.00
__________ ½ Page 7 ½” Wide x 4 ¾” Depth $ 60.00
__________ ¼ Page 3 ½” Wide x 4 ¾” Depth $ 35.00
__________ Business Card 2 inches Wide x 3 ½ Long $ 20.00
__________ Patron Listing Name Only – one line $ 10.00
__________ Photo on Full and ½ Page only Additional Charge $ 10.00
Total Amount Enclosed for Ads_________________
Please Complete:
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Branch: ____________________________________
Street Address: _________________________________________________________________
City:___________________ State: ___________________ Zip Code: ___________________
Telephone:___________________ Email: _________________________
Please enclose cashier check, money order or branch check made payable to NAUW South Bay. Email your ad to . No hard copies except photos. Please identify on back of photo and send photo to:
Cherita McFrazier
NAUW Southwest Sectional Souvenir Journal Chair
1618 Bruin Street, Los Angeles, CA 90047
Deadline Date: January 4, 2011 |