The Culver City Branch was organized in l985 by Annie N. Hill with the encouragement of Carrie Ayers Haynes, Past National President. Annie became the first president. Officers were elected and a program was developed. Programs included a Career Day, Health Fairs, 5K Walk for Women and Children with HIV/Aides sponsored by the League of African American Women and the late Congresswoman Juanita Millender-McDonald.
One key effort was the annual scholarship fundraiser. The Culver City Branch has been instrumental in assisting male and female seniors in the greater Los Angeles Area to obtain a higher education since its inception in l981. Each year the Culver City Branch selects four (4) students from various high schools to receive a $1,000 award. The branch continues to follow one student for the full four (4) years of his/her college education. This accomplishment has been made possible through the Culver City Branch annual scholarship fund raisers: beginning with its first Fashion Show co sponsored by Bullocks Wilshire.
The branch sponsored an afternoon “Champagne Sip” at Jerrys Flying Fox for several years. It’s signature venue has been the “Tribute To Outstanding Achievers” luncheon. Individuals who have made a positive impact on our communities were honored at this luncheon. Some of the honorees included then mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown, the late Johnnie Cochran Esquire, the late Jester Hairston, Sweet Alice Harris, Jim Hill, and Barbara Walden.
Most recently the branch has participated in musical venues. This included a “Gospel Concert” and presently the “Jazz Concert and Luncheon” featuring Barbara Morrison. The Culver City Branch is instrumental in giving over $135,000 in scholarships to graduating senior students. Our programs have expanded to include partnering with the Miriam Mathews Friends of the Library for Career Day, tutoring girls in math and science, sponsoring an essay contest and science fair with Slauson Learning Center and financially support a teachers salary in Nigeria.
Culver City Presidents Page
Annie Hill 1985-1989
Dr. Mary Maddox 1989-1992
Evelyn L. Wright 1992-1996
Hester Watkins 1996-1998
Alelia Akigbe 1998-2002
Dr. Virginia Hathaway 2002-2006
Mildred Slaughter 2006-2010
Helen Ricks 2010-2014
Carolyn Williams
Josie Grant 2018-2020 |